Enjoy your new Ares Amoeba replica ready and without complications. At Hobby Expert we send you the replica already checked and adjusted. Amoeba replicas already offer us fantastic performance by having an electronic trigger and a gearbox with reinforced parts. As it comes from the factory with a lower power than that used in Spain, we take care of the following at no cost:
FPS adjustment: Many Amoeba replica units usually come with a stock setting of around 280-300 fps depending on the manufacturing batch, which are fitted with harder or softer springs. We will check your replica and replace the spring with a suitable one to leave the FPS well adjusted. You will get good performance from the first moment.
Functional tests and static checks. The replica is accompanied by a detailed certificate in which a Hobby Expert technician verifies that everything is correct, that it is working properly and that the FPS value obtained just before shipping is noted. If we detect any anomaly, we correct it and if a defective part needs to be replaced, we replace it.
The new generations of Amoeba replicas stand out for their excellent finish, manufacturing quality and the inclusion of programmable electronic triggers. This, added to their low weight and great maneuverability, make them lethal on the playing field. They have a high-quality gearbox with a reinforced piston, 8mm bearings, electronic trigger and a high-quality High-Torque motor. All this, added to the fact that it is compatible with the vast majority of accessories and upgrades on the market (which makes this replica widely customizable and upgradeable) makes it one of the best choices on the market right now. It will not disappoint either new players looking for a high-quality replica to take out of the box and enjoy to the fullest, or more experienced players looking for a light, manageable and quality replica.
Part number: AM-013-DE
Replica type: assault rifle
Replica series: M4
Body material: nylon fiber
Handguard material: CNC aluminum
Stock: 2-position adjustable
Rails: picatinny
Recommended battery type: Lipo Stick mini 7.4V (with 7.4V you have good trigger response and firing rate, it is not necessary to use 11.1V which also fits a little tighter and limits the variety of batteries to choose from)
Blowback: no
Recoil: no
Mosfet: yes
Electronic trigger: yes (programmable with accessory sold separately in SAFE-SEMI-AUTO or SAFE-SEMI-3-BALL GEAR. It is important to program the trigger for the battery voltage to be used, which by default is 7.4V Lipo, in order to avoid operating errors or void the warranty)
Quick spring change: yes
FPS: 325-340 approx (we checked it and adjusted the FPS by mounting an M90 spring with which we achieved a great trigger response as it required little effort for the motor to move it quickly while still having the appropriate FPS)
Can: precision, 6.03mm diameter and 310mm length
High-Torque Engine
Reinforced piston with all metal teeth
8mm bearings
Reinforced gears
Length: 630mm (stock closed) / 735mm (stock unfolded)
Weight: 2400gr
Color: tan (dark earth, DE)
Includes Hicap polymer ball loader, information sheet and unclogging rod