Discover the potential of your replica with the ETU Eshooter Kestrel V3 BASIC system.
This affordably priced Electronic Trigger Unit will take your replica to a whole new level. Explore entirely new possibilities with its programming features. Programming is straightforward as it's done through the trigger.
This system is extremely easy to install and doesn't require soldering. Operating functions through trigger programming is easy and enjoyable, giving users the ability to personalize their ASG replica.
This system can be used in AK and G36 replicas thanks to the function that allows customization to the specific model. It can also be used in Gel Blaster models, featuring dedicated functions.
Take your airsoft game to the next level with simple programming steps!
#Key features:
Semi-Binary: ability to set Binary function in Semi mode
Auto-Burst: ability to set Burst function in Auto mode
Pre-Cocking: ability to set one of 5 levels of pre-cocking spring tension
#Additionally, this system offers:
Brushless Motor Support
Active Brake: adaptive function preventing double firing
Lockout Protection: protects the unit and battery in case of jamming
Low Battery Protection
Li-Po ready: can use Li-Po batteries from 7.4V up to 17V.